Weird is Awesome

Weird is Awesome

Have you ever been walking through a parking lot and noticed a lot of cars that look the same? Or perhaps you’ve been out for a night on the town and noticed everyone’s wearing a similar outfit? It’s always awesome when you see something that stands out from the...
Helping Others Score Big

Helping Others Score Big

You may have heard of the famous FIFA World Cup. You know, the prestigious soccer tournament that gathers 32 nations around the world every four years to declare an ultimate champion? If you do not know, it is kind of like March Madness meets the Olympics. The World...
The Backwards Economy of FreedomDev

The Backwards Economy of FreedomDev

When you work with FreedomDev, you can expect a lot of things. Doing things the “normal way” is not one of them. We intentionally think through everything we do: Is this the most efficient way for our client to run their business? Is there a better way we can relate...